Friday, April 14, 2006

HOPE Friday

I work at a Radio station called HOPE Radio. There was a decision made to not play any commercials, sponsorships, weather, news etc. today. Because it is Good Friday. Or as my new employer called it on the radio today HOPE Friday. They wanted to give people a chance to focus on the music and to challenge as to what this day meant to them.

So, not having taken a challenge in a LONG time, I decided what the hay... I will reflect. And so I read the story of the crucifixtion stopping before the resurrection since that doesn't happen for a couple of days. I focused on Christ's death.

What I came up with. Someone died for me. What would I do if I were a friend of Jack Bauers (I had to think of someone willing to do this and really cool) and he gave up his life for me? On purpose. So I could live. I think I would feel compelled to live life to the fullest. Someone gave their own life for mine. Aren't I obligated to now live this life BIG?!

This made me think of one of my favorite quotes. So here it is.

"And I want my everyday to make God bellylaugh. Glad that he gave life to someone who knows the difference between life and half-life."--Shauna Neiquist

That sums it up for me. That is what I want to do. That is what I came up with on this HOPE Friday.


Blogger Colie said...

Great Quote! And, thanks for the reminder to refocus today. It changed my whole day:-).

3:13 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

That is an awesome quote. I agree, it does help refocus. Thank you.

8:12 PM  

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