Thursday, December 01, 2005

The Dog Won't Stop Peeing

Yes, it is true. I need to vent. Our freakin' dog won't, or should I say can't, stop peeing in her sleep. Apparently the muscles surrounding her bladder are weak, which cause her to pee when she gets really relaxed. You have no idea how much "pee pee" laundry I have done.

Side note: She actually projectile pee'd on April Diaz when Brian Diaz tried to move her so her "vag" area was not pointed toward him. We all got a BIG laugh out of it.

So, she is on some supplement to build up the muscles in her bladder, which is a total mystery to me. I asked how it worked, but no one had an answer for me. All I know is, if there a pill out there that builds muscle, why haven't they created it for humans? And can I get some?

Until next time, I'll be doing laundry... still.


Blogger dbrown said...

"if there a pill out there that builds muscle, why haven't they created it for humans?"

I think it's called steroids =)

9:19 AM  
Blogger Emily said...

OK, I mean the legal kind. Besides you still have to work out with steroids. I want to not have to work out, get the muscle and still pass a drug screen.

4:08 PM  
Blogger Anna said...

I want to know what would happen to a person's sex life if they had super strong pee muscles.
Erin, mocha and dog = hilarious/priceless.

9:58 PM  
Blogger Jackie R. said...

Now that is a dog problem I have never heard of!

That sucks though for all the laundry. :(

I just wanted to thank you for being so encouraging. You are a great woman! It is so overwhelming isn't it? I haven't figured out how to do much beyond blogging and online petitions etc. Oh well... I'll maybe, kind-of, not-really figure it out eventually.

2:19 AM  
Blogger isaiah said...

drinking mocha flavored steroids will make you pee when having sex? i guess i'm not following all the comments or it's a bit late for me. oh well, sorry about the laundry.

7:22 PM  

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